
admin 宠物知识 2024-02-14 03:10 42

I have a pet dog She is 2 years old She is a clever and beautiful dog Its name is Huahua Its colour is white She has two big eyes, just like mine She is very lovely She can understand m。


篇一关于养宠物 My View on Keeping Pets Nowadays, many families have a dog or a cat as a pet Some people think that pets are good and helpful companies Some of them even go so far as saying that。

My pet dog is called cc, it is very cute, with big eyes, hairy body, bushy tail, it is 5 years old this year, it gave me infinite pleasure Every day I go home cc will Diao this slippers to me When eati。


宠物英语作文 篇1 There is no denying the fact that keeping pets is a hotly debated topic todaySome peopleclaim that keeping pets is a good thing to do They believe that pets,like cats and dogs,can。

中文翻译我的宠物仓鼠 40字我想我的宠物和仓鼠一起睡不是很容易的事,但我也不想买仓鼠或者仓鼠有时候晚上爱管闲事,如果那样的话,我妈妈会生气的,所以我不确定我是否留了一个汉姆斯特范文2My pet hamster。

篇一关于宠物的英语作文 recently, three owls appeared suddenly on our campus they made me think of my pet from childhood when i was little, we had an owl at homeit was small, gray, and had two。

我的宠物英语作文一 When I was a child, I raised a pet, named Lucky Actually he is a cat His fur is soft with yellow and white color Lucky is a good boy He always behaves well I remember。

6 我的宠物英语小作文 您好,以下是本人按要求写的六年级简单英语小作文,希望对您有帮助 My Pet I have got a pet dog His name is Bobby He is very cute He likes to play with tennis ball He can also understand。

如果条件不允许,就暂时不要养,等条件成熟后再接狗狗回家如果决定了养,就要好好对它哦The main economic expenses of keeping dogs are dog food, toys, etc in addition, some pet dogs need regular quotbeauty。


CSo while a pet brings us much happiness and delight into our lives, it also requires our devotion to it宠物的英语口语对话2 Dario What sort of gift should I give someone who has just moved into a。

It also is a place where you can bring dogs or cats and they are given away free to owners, to new pet owners 莉莎爱护动物协会,是管理流浪动物的组织你可以从那里免费领养小猫小狗 关于宠物的英语对话3 odd So。

1Do you have a dog?你养宠物狗吗?2My dog is my perfect companion我的宠物狗是我的伴侣3My dog is a major part of my life我的狗是我生命里最重要的一部分4 Keeping a pet isn#39t just for。

写作思路根据题目要求,围绕狗狗展开描写I have a dog He is my favorite pet我有一只狗,他是我最喜欢的宠物He#39s cute His name is Peter He#39s two years old他很可爱的,他的名字叫彼得,他两岁H。

关于宠物的情景对话1 Todd Hello, Matt!你好,马特!Matt Hello, Todd!你好,托德!Todd Matt, I#39m going to ask you some questions about pet OK! First question, do youhave a pet?马特,我将会问你。

